

導  演:凱文利瑪(Kevin Lima)

編  劇:比爾凱利(Bill Kelly)

演  員:愛咪亞當絲(Amy Adams)
                     派翠克丹普賽(Patrick Dempsey)
                     詹姆斯馬斯登(James Marsden)


在Andalasia童話王國的公主Giselle(Amy Adams)用美妙的歌聲邂逅了王子Edward(James Marsden)

但Edward的繼母皇后(Susan Sarandon)為了防止Edward與Giselle結婚進而搶走她的皇冠

想盡一切方法要阻止他們   甚至不惜殺死Giselle.....

後來....Giselle被皇后陷害因而來到她所謂的沒有Happy Ending的New York City

生長在童話王國裡的Giselle在紐約市遇到專門處理離婚的律師Robert Phillip(Patrick Dempsey)



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Edward                                                              Robert

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皇后                                                                                 Robert的女友(Idina Menzel)

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不過我還挺喜歡的  哈~

True Love's Kiss

Giselle: When you meet the someone who was meant for you
Before two can become one there is something we must do
Animal: Do you pull each others tails?
Animal: Do you feed each other seeds?
Giselle: No, there is something sweeter everybody needs
I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince I'm hoping comes with this
That's what brings everaftering so happy
And that's the reason we need lips so much
Four lips are the only things that touch
So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss
Giselle: aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa
Animals: aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa
Animals: Shes been dreaming of a true love's kiss
And a prince she's hoping comes with this
That's what brings everaftering so happy
And that's the reason we need lips so much
Four lips are the only things that touch
Giselle: So to spend a life of endless bliss
Just find who you love through true love's kiss
Edward: You're the fairest maid I've ever met
You were made...
Giselle: finish your duet
Giselle and Edward: And in years to come we'll reminisce
Edward: How we came to love
Giselle: And grow and grow love
Everyone: Since first we knew love through true love's kiss




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